Where is Shangrila
In every heart, there must be a sought after place which full of joy, youthness and no sorrow. James Hilton reaffirm our dream by his novel entitled” Lost Horizon” in 1933. The place called “Shangrila” was created since then. And people keep on trying to find it. The location and scenery epiced in this book was lead to a small city in Yunnan at the edge of China and Tibet border named Diqen. The city is located near 6,740 meter Meili mountain. Apart from the scenery, the local people is seemed to be unfriendly in my opinion. During the night, it will not be safe to walk alone on the only main street of the town.
Without love, understanding, friendship and whatever so called which can fullfill our heart, Diqen is not Shangrila. Where is Shangrila?
- In order to alliviate altitude sickness which occure to 3 out of 15 people in our group. You must do some exercise and get enough rest before you enter Zhongtian. Stugeron drug will be helped if you’re not allegy to.
- For biker, you need really warm jacket,trouser and most important, to be strong. You can do no wrong cause there is no chance to do it again. Make sure that you put everything in your life in good manner. And, buy sufficient life insurance for your family
- Route: Start at Kunming-Lijieng-Zhongtian-Diqen. You can skip Lijieng if you go by plane.
All the stories in my diaries are dedicated to my friend who made my trip memorable, colorful and full of joy.Real friend’s always there in time of need. Always.